Patrick Duffy - Bio | Pics | Fans | Wiki | Quotes. Patrick Duffy Nude Pictures, Naked Scenes Reviews, Biography


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 16/02/2011

Patrick. Middle Name. G. Last Name. Duffy. Full Name. Patrick G. Duffy. Other Names. Pat, The Duffster, The Duff Man. Age. 61. Date of Birth. 17 March 1949

Born on St. Patrick's Day to Terrence and Marie Duffy, Patrick was the elder of two children. His parents owned taverns in and around the small town of

4 Jun 2010 Patrick Duffy (Patrick G Duffy) was born on Thursday, March 17, 1949 in Townsend and he is a famous actor from United States of Buddhist

Patrick Duffy news, photos of Patrick Duffy, biography, Patrick Duffy relationships. Duffy. Full Name at Birth. Patrick G. Duffy. Other Names. Pat , The Duffster, The Duff Man. Age. 61. Date of Birth. 17 March, 1949 Patrick G. Duffy (born March 17, 1949) is an American character actor of stage and film.

Patrick. LAST NAME. Duffy. DATE OF BIRTH. 17/03/1949. MIDDLE NAME Patrick G. Duffy (born March 17, 1949 in Townsend, Montana) is an American television

Patrick Duffy's date of birth is: 17 March 1949, He was born in Townsend, Montana, USA. Patrick Duffy's height is 6' 2" (1.88 m). Patrick Duffy's birth name

2 Mar 2008 Youngest of 2 children, and only son born to Terrence and Marie Duffy. He is NOT related to Julia Duffy, of Newhart fame. Patrick was born

Patrick G. Duffy (born March 17, 1949) is an American character actor of stage Date of birth, March 17, 1949. Place of birth, Townsend, Montana, U.S.

13 Aug 2008 Name: Patrick Duffy; Date of Birth: March 17, 1949; Place of Birth: Townsend, Montana, USA. Add to My Favorites · Post a Comment

Patrick Duffy Biography (1949-). Born March 17, 1949, in Townsend, MT; son of Terence (a Birth Details: March 17, 1949: Townsend, Montana, United States

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